Occurrence sorted by plant name

Abelmoschus esculentus - Bryophyllum daigremontianum

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GA1 Abelmoschus esculentus immature seed Koshioka et al. (1996)
GA17 Abelmoschus esculentus immature seed Koshioka et al. (1996)
GA20 Abelmoschus esculentus immature seed Koshioka et al. (1996)
GA29 Abelmoschus esculentus immature seed Koshioka et al. (1996)
GA3 Abelmoschus esculentus immature seed Koshioka et al. (1996)
GA34 Abelmoschus esculentus immature seed Koshioka et al. (1996)
GA4 Abelmoschus esculentus immature seed Koshioka et al. (1996)
GA44 Abelmoschus esculentus immature seed Koshioka et al. (1996)
GA70 Abelmoschus esculentus immature seed Koshioka et al. (1996)
GA8 Abelmoschus esculentus immature seed Koshioka et al. (1996)
GA9 Abies alba needles Christmann, Doumas (1988)
GA1 Agrostemma githago shoots Jones, Zeevaart. (1980)
GA17 Agrostemma githago shoots Jones, Zeevaart (1980)
GA19 Agrostemma githago shoots Jones, Zeevaart (1980)
GA20 Agrostemma githago shoots Jones, Zeevaart (1980)
GA44 Agrostemma githago shoots Jones, Zeevaart (1980)
GA53 Agrostemma githago shoots Jones, Zeevaart (1980)
GA1 Allium cepa leaves Nojiri et al. (1993)
GA12 Allium cepa leaves Nojiri et al. (1993)
GA15 Allium cepa leaves Nojiri et al. (1993)
GA20 Allium cepa leaves Nojiri et al. (1993)
GA24 Allium cepa leaves Nojiri et al. (1993)
GA34 Allium cepa leaves Nojiri et al. (1993)
GA4 Allium cepa leaves Nojiri et al. (1993)
GA44 Allium cepa leaves Nojiri et al. (1993)
GA51 Allium cepa leaves Nojiri et. (1993)
GA8 Allium cepa leaves Nojiri et al. (1993)
GA9 Allium cepa leaves Nojiri et al. (1993)
GA1 Alnus tenuiflolia vegetative buds Zanewich, Rood (1994)
GA20 Alnus tenuiflolia vegetative buds Zanewich, Rood (1994)
GA8 Alnus tenuiflolia vegetative buds Zanewich, Rood (1994)
GA1 Alstroemeria hybrida leaves Kappers et al.(1997)
GA19 Alstroemeria hybrida leaves Kappers et al. (1997)
GA20 Alstroemeria hybrida leaves Kappers et al. (1997)
GA29 Alstroemeria hybrida leaves Kappers et al. (1997)
GA4 Alstroemeria hybrida leaves Kappers et al. (1997)
GA44 Alstroemeria hybrida leaves Kappers et al. (1997)
GA8 Alstroemeria hybrida leaves Kappers et al. (1997)
GA9 Alstroemeria hybrida leaves Kappers et al. (1997)
GA1 Althaea rosea shoot apices Harada, Nitch (1967)
GA3 Althaea rosea shoot apices Harada, Nitsch (1967)
GA9 Althea rosea shoot apices Harada, Nitsch (1967)
GA104 Anemia mexicana gametophytes Furber et al. (1988, 1989)
GA45 Anemia mexicana gametophytes Nester-Hudson et al. (1998)
GA61 Anemia mexicana gametophytes Nester-Hudson et al. (1998)
GA107 Anemia phyllitidis prothallia Yamauchi et al. (1991)
GA15 Anemia phyllitidis sporophytes Oyama et al. (1996b)
GA19 Anemia phyllitidis sporophytes Oyama et al. (1996b)
GA20 Anemia phyllitidis sporophytes Oyama et al. (1996b)
GA24 Anemia phyllitidis sporophytes and prothallia Oyama et al. (1996b)
GA25 Anemia phyllitidis prothallia Oyama et al. (1996b)
GA4 Anemia phyllitidis sporophytes Oyama et al. (1996b)
GA9 Anemia phyllitidis sporophytes Oyama et al. (1996b)
GA9 Anemia phyllitidis prothallia Oyama et al. (1996b)
GA1 Arabidopsis thaliana seeds Derkx et al. (1994)
GA1 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA12 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA13 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA15 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA17 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA19 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA20 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA24 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA25 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA27 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA29 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA3 Arabidopsis thaliana seeds Derkx et al. (1994)
GA34 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA36 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA37 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA4 Arabidopsis thaliana seeds Derkx et al. (1991)
GA4 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA41 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990c)
GA44 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA51 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b
GA53 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA8 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA9 Arabidopsis thaliana seeds Derkx et al. (1991)
GA9 Arabidopsis thaliana shoots Talon et al. (1990b)
GA71 Arabidopsis thaliana ,gai mutant shoots Talon et al. (1990c)
GA1 Aralia cordata basal buds Nishijima et al. (1993)
GA15 Aralia cordata basal buds Nishijima et al. (1993)
GA19 Aralia cordata basal buds Nishijima et al. (1993)
GA53 Aralia cordata basal buds Nishijima et al. (1993)
GA20 Aralia cordata basal buds Nishijima et al. (1993)
GA37 Aralia cordata basal buds Nishijima et al. (1993)
GA4 Aralia cordata basal buds Nishijima et al. (1993)
GA44 Aralia cordata basal buds Nishijima et al. (1993)
GA3 Artemisia capillaris leaves Ueda et al. (1987)
GA3 Avena sativa inflorescences Kaufman et al. (1976)
GA1 Begonia x cheimantha leaves Oden, Heide (1988)
GA19 Begonia x cheimantha leaves Oden, Heide (1988)
GA20 Begonia x cheimantha leaves Oden, Heide (1988)
GA4 Begonia x cheimantha leaves Oden, Heide (1988)
GA9 Begonia x cheimantha leaves Oden, Heide (1988)
GA1 Betula pendula vegetative buds Zanewich, Rood (1994)
GA19 Betula pendula vegetative buds Zanewich, Rood (1994)
GA20 Betula pendula vegetative buds Zanewich, Rood (1994)
GA29 Betula pendula vegetative buds Zanewich, Rood (1994)
GA8 Betula pendula vegetative buds Zanewich, Rood (1994)
GA85 Brassica campestris seedlings Sheng et al. (1992a)
GA89 Brassica campestris cotyledons Sheng et al. (1992b)
GA1 Brassica napus shoots Hedden et al. (1989)
GA1 Brassica napus stems Rood et al. (1987)
GA1 Brassica napus immature siliques Zanewich, Rood (1993)
GA15 Brassica napus shoots Hedden et al. (1989)
GA17 Brassica napus shoots Hedden et al. (1989)
GA17 Brassica napus immature siliques Zanewich, Rood (1993)
GA19 Brassica napus stems Rood et al. (1987)
GA19 Brassica napus immature siliques Zanewich, Rood (1993)
GA20 Brassica napus stems Rood et al. (1987)
GA20 Brassica napus mature siliques Zanewich, Rood (1993)
GA24 Brassica napus shoots Hedden et al. (1989)
GA24 Brassica napus immature siliques Zanewich, Rood (1993)
GA29 Brassica napus shoots Hedden et al. (1989)
GA29 Brassica napus immature siliques Zanewich, Rood (1993)
GA3 Brassica napus stems Rood et al. (1987)
GA3 Brassica napus immature siliques Zanewich, Rood (1993)
GA34 Brassica napus shoots Hedden et al. (1989)
GA34 Brassica napus immature siliques Zanewich, Rood (1993)
GA4 Brassica napus immature siliques Zanewich, Rood (1993)
GA51 Brassica napus shoots Hedden et al. (1989)
GA51 Brassica napus immature siliques Zanewich, Rood (1993)
GA53 Brassica napus immature siliques Zanewich, Rood (1993)
GA8 Brassica napus immature siliques Zanewich, Rood (1993)
GA9 Brassica napus immature siliques Zanewich, Rood (1993)
GA20 Bryophyllum daigremontianum shoot tips and upper leaves Gaskin et al. (1973)
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