Occurrence sorted by plant name

Dalbergia dolichopetela - Humulus lupulus

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GA1 Dalbergia dolichopetela germinating seed Moritz, Montiero (1994)
GA28 Dalbergia dolichopetela germinating seed Moritz, Montiero (1994)
GA20 Dalbergia dolichopetela germinating seed Moritz, Montiero (1994)
GA3 Dalbergia dolichopetela germinating seed Moritz, Montiero (1994)
GA4 Dalbergia dolichopetela germinating seed Moritz, Montiero (1994)
GA5 Dalbergia dolichopetela germinating seeds Moritz, Montiero (1994)
GA8 Dalbergia dolichopetela germinating seed Moritz, Montiero (1994)
GA1 Dendranthema grandiflorum stem tips Nishijima et al. (1997)
GA19 Dendranthema grandiflorum stem tips Nishijima et al. (1997)
GA20 Dendranthema grandiflorum stem tips Nishijima et al. (1997)
GA44 Dendranthema grandiflorum stem tips Nishijima et al. (1997)
GA53 Dendranthema grandiflorum stem tips Nishijima et al. (1997)
GA9 Dendranthema grandiflorum stem tips Nishijima et al. (1997)
GA111 Dicksonia antarctica croziers Yamane et al. (1988a)
GA112 Dicksonia antarctica croziers Yamane et al. (1988a)
GA15 Dicksonia antarctica sporophytes Yamane et al. (1988a)
GA25 Dicksonia antarctica sporophytes Yamane et al. (1988a)
GA37 Dicksonia antarctica sporophytes Yamane et al. (1988a)
GA4 Dicksonia antarctica sporophytes Yamane et al. (1988a)
GA9 Dicksonia antarctica sporophytes Yamane et al. (1988a)
GA12 Dioscorea opposita dormant bulbils Tanno et al. (1992)
GA19 Dioscorea opposita dormant bulbils Tanno et al. (1992)
GA20 Dioscorea opposita dormant bulbils Tanno et al. (1992)
GA24 Dioscorea opposita dormant bulbils Tanno et al. (1992)
GA36 Dioscorea opposita dormant bulbils Tanno et al. (1992)
GA4 Dioscorea opposita dormant bulbils Tanno et al. (1992)
GA53 Dioscorea opposita dormant bulbils Tanno et al. (1992)
GA9 Dioscorea opposita dormant bulbils Tanno et al. (1992)
GA110 Elaeis guineesis inflorescences Owen et al. (1998)
GA9 Eriobotrya japonica seed, pericarp Yuda et al. (1992)
GA15 Eriobotrya japonica seeds, pericarp Yuda et al. (1988)
GA19 Eriobotrya japonica seed, pericarp Koshioka et al. (1988)
GA20 Eriobotrya japonica seed, pericarp Koshioka et al. (1988)
GA24 Eriobotrya japonica seeds, pericarp Yuda et al. (1992)
GA29 Eriobotrya japonica seed, pericarp Koshioka et al. (1988)
GA35 Eriobotrya japonica seeds, pericarp Yuda et al. (1992)
GA44 Eriobotrya japonica seeds, pericarp Koshioka et al. (1988)
GA50 Eriobotrya japonica seeds, pericarp Yuda et al. (1992)
GA80 Eriobotrya japonica seed, pericarp Yuda et al. (1992)
GA84 Eriobotrya japonica seed, pericarp Yuda et al. (1992)
GA1 Eucalyptus globulus cambial region tissue Hasan et al. (1994)
GA19 Eucalyptus globulus cambial region Hasan et al. (1994)
GA20 Eucalyptus globulus cambial region tissue, Koshioka et al. (1988)
GA29 Eucalyptus globulus cambial tissue Hasan et al. (1994)
GA4 Eucalyptus globulus cambial region tissue Ridoutt et al. (1995)
GA44 Eucalyptus globulus cambial tissue Ridoutt et al. (1995)
GA8 Eucalyptus globulus cambial region Ridoutt et al. (1995)
GA81 Eucalyptus globulus cambial region tissue Ridoutt et al. (1995)
GA9 Eucalyptus globulus cambial region Ridoutt et al. (1995)
GA1 Eucalyptus nitens apical buds Hasan et al. (1994)
GA19 Eucalyptus nitens apical buds Hasan et al. (1994)
GA20 Eucalyptus nitens apical buds Hasan et al. (1994)
GA1 Eustoma grandiflorum shoots + floral buds Hisamatsu et al. (1998b)
GA19 Eustoma grandiflorum shoots + floral buds Hisamatsu et al. (1998b)
GA20 Eustoma grandiflorum shoots + floral buds Hisamatsu et al. (1998b)
GA44 Eustoma grandiflorum shoots + floral buds Hisamatsu et al. (1988b)
GA53 Eustoma grandiflorum shoots + floral buds Hisamatsu et al. (1988b)
GA19 Fragaria x ananasa Duch. leaves Taylor et al. (1994)
GA20 Fragaria x ananasa Duch. leaves Taylor et al. (1994)
GA29 Fragaria x ananasa Duch. leaves Taylor et al. (1994)
GA44 Fragaria x ananasa Duch. leaves Taylor et al. (1994)
GA1 Fragaria x ananasa Duch. leaves Taylor et al. (1994)
GA17 Fragaria x ananasa Duch. leaves Taylor et al. (1994)
GA5 Fragaria x ananasa Duch. leaves Taylor et al. (1994)
GA8 Fragaria x ananasa Duch. leaves Taylor et al. (1994)
GA20 Gentiana triflora stems and leaves Koshioka et al. (1998)
GA1 Gentiana triflora stems and leaves Koshioka et al. (1998)
GA19 Gentiana triflora stems and leaves Koshioka et al. (1998)
GA44 Gentiana triflora stems and leaves Koshioka et al. (1998)
GA53 Gentiana triflora stems and leaves Koshioka et al. (1998)
GA1 Helianthus annuus immature seeds Hutchison et al. (1988)
GA100 Helianthus annuus seeds Owen et al. (1996)
GA101 Helianthus annuus seeds Owen et al. (1996)
GA102 Helianthus annuus seeds Owen et al. (1996)
GA19 Helianthus annuus immature seeds Hutchison et al. (1988)
GA20 Helianthus annuus seeds Hutchison et al. (1988)
GA4 Helianthus annuus seeds Hutchison et al. (1988)
GA45 Helianthus annuus almost mature seeds Hutchison et al. (1988)
GA64 Helianthus annuus almost mature seeds Hutchison et al. (1988)
GA65 Helianthus annuus seeds Hutchison et al. (1988)
GA66 Helianthus annuus iseeds Hutchison et al. (1988)
GA67 Helianthus annuus seeds Hutchison et al. (1988)
GA72 Helianthus annuus seeds Hutchison et al. (1988)
GA75 Helianthus annuus mature seeds Castellaro et al. (1990)
GA76 Helianthus annuus mature seeds Castellaro et al. (1990)
GA1 Hordeum vulgare leaf sheaths Croker et al. (1990)
GA1 Hordeum vulgare developing grain Gaskin et al. (1984)
GA1 Hordeum vulgare germinating grain Yamada (1982)
GA12 Hordeum vulgare developing grain Gaskin et al. (1984)
GA17 Hordeum vulgare germinating grain Gaskin et al. (1984)
GA17 Hordeum vulgare developing grain Gaskin et al. (1984)
GA19 Hordeum vulgare leaf sheaths Croker et al. (1990)
GA19 Hordeum vulgare germinating grain Gaskin et al. (1984)
GA20 Hordeum vulgare shoots Boother et al. (1991)
GA20 Hordeum vulgare leaf sheaths Croker et al. (1990)
GA20 Hordeum vulgare developing and germinating grain Gaskin et al. (1984)
GA25 Hordeum vulgare developing grain Gaskin et al. (1984)
GA29 Hordeum vulgare leaf sheaths Croker et al. (1990)
GA3 Hordeum vulgare developing grain Boother et al. (1991)
GA3 Hordeum vulgare leaf sheaths Croker et al. (1990)
GA3 Hordeum vulgare germinating grain Yamada (1982)
GA34 Hordeum vulgare developing grain Gaskin et al. (1984)
GA34 Hordeum vulgare germinating grain Gaskin et al. (1984)
GA4 Hordeum vulgare developing grain Gaskin et al. (1984)
GA48 Hordeum vulgare developing grain Gaskin et al. (1984)
GA48 Hordeum vulgare germinating grain Gaskin et al. (1984)
GA69 Hordeum vulgare developing grain Gaskin et al. (1984)
GA8 Hordeum vulgare leaf sheaths, shoots Croker et al. (1990)
GA8 Hordeum vulgare developing grain Gaskin et al. (1984)
GA97 Hordeum vulgare floral apices Mander et al. (1996)
GA97 Hordeum vulgare leaf sheaths Mander et al. (1996)
GA19 Humulus lupulus shoots Watanabe et al. (1978)
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